• info@piomboleghe.it
  • Via Eratostene, 1 20861 Brugherio (MB) - Italy

What do we do

In Piomboleghe, we recover, recycle and produce lead from scrap lead batteries and other lead materials, regenerating this resource makes it sustainable and unlimited.

Like it we do

Production cycle

Inbound material is transformed into lead ingots through a number of productive macro-phases. The lead is wrought at its best and it is forged to achieve a high level of purity.

We apply Circular Economy fundamentals

Our company activities are part of the lead circular recycling chain, which aim to regenerate this existing material in a safe and efficient way.

We reduce environmental impact

We recover thousands of tons of scrap lead batteries which would cause permanent damage to the environment, if dispersed. That is possible thanks to our sustainable and responsible production process.

Our lead and experience at your service, for over 50 years.