We ensure well-being today, without threatening the future of the next generation.

“We are completely aware of the importance of each player in the pursuit of a complex social mission in which all of us are asked to play a fundamental role. Nobody can and should avoid their responsibility and lose the chance to give crucial help to improve the social and environmental situation”.

Passion, transparency and sustainability at the service of the environment

We recover as many metals and parts as possible from scrap lead batteries. In this process we focus on keeping people and the entire ecosystem safe and reducing energy consumption.

Research, development and innovation

We invest in research to constantly develop and innovate our company processes and products. Our aim is to give an updated answer to the market and to anticipate the demands of our clients.

After over 50 years of experience in the market, since 1998 P. Colombo, the brand property of Piomboleghe, has been recognised and registered with the LME (London Metal Exchange), the most important stock market for non-ferrous metals in the world. Thousands of ingots with this label contributed to the international production of its derivatives.

A responsible look to the future

We want to create value in a sustainable and responsible way, looking to the future of the next generation. For this reason, we prove our commitment by setting growth, risk-prevention, environmental protection, ethics and transparency goals.

Honesty, accuracy and reliability along the entire production chain

We are aware of being part of a complex economic and social community and as a company we pay the same attention to the respect of our security standards, environmental protection and ethics as well as to the relationships and the choice of our suppliers.